Our main goal is to create diverse ecosystems that reconnect people and nature.
We are an ecology based consulting group with collectively over 38 years experience in restoring, creating, and conserving functional ecosystems. Specifically, we are experts in native grasslands, riparian restoration, urban ecology, native prairie green roofs, landscape restoration plans at multiple scales, pocket prairies, teaching, and research. We are proud to be a certified women owned business enterprise and historically underutilized business in the state of Texas.
Restored grasslands can sequester
1.3 Million
Metric Tons of carbon per year
Green roofs can capture
.25 Inch
rainfall events and eliminate runoff in urban areas
Vegetation can help cool cities and prevent
deaths per year
How would you like to help save the world?
Staff at Blackland Collaborative have helped heal damaged, degraded, or destroyed landscapes at sites that include National Parks, large scale private developments, corporate campuses, government facilities, city infrastructure, ranchland, and residential properties while helping landscape architects, engineers, and architects better understand the environmental implications of design decisions.